BGCSVI Westshore Club

The BGCSVI Westshore Club offers a licensed before and after school care program for children aged 8 to 12. The program features an exciting blend of activities aimed at promoting healthy physical, social, and intellectual development for our participants. Our dedicated and passionate staff foster a safe and welcoming environment for our group members, and our space within the Westshore Child, Youth, and Family Centre is the perfect setting to play inside or go exploring in Colwood’s many parks and beaches. This program also features an after-school snack program.

BGCSVI Westshore Club is accepting new families on our inventory of interest list

Programs Offered

After School Care (Licensed)

Compassionate and reliable staff make this popular out-of-school care facility a caring and safe place for children.  By fostering positive and healthy relationships, implementing intentional programming and providing nutritious snacks, weekly out-trips, and community building; we are contributing to the healthy development of children at our Club. Children registered in this program have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities such as gross motor play, crafts, out trips, themed activities, sports, and a whole lot more!

Camps for Kids and Teens

Pro D Day Camp

The fun doesn’t stop on Pro-D Days! We offer all-day programs for children aged 5-12 on Professional Development Days in the Victoria, Saanich, and Sooke School Districts. You never know what cool activities we might have in store! We offer fun recreational games both indoors & outdoors, cooking & baking, movies, crafts, rock climbing, canoeing, archery, low ropes, fort building and SO MUCH MORE! Pro D Day Camps are $40 per day, per child ($30 for children currently registered in after-school care at one of our clubs) and we require a minimum of 10 children to be registered to run any given Pro D Day.

Spring and Winter Break Camps

These exciting Holiday Camps are offered for only $35 per day, per child ($30 for children currently registered in after school care).  Activities offered at our Holiday Camps include craft-making, baking activities, outdoor games, and adventurous out-trips around Greater Victoria.  The Holiday Camps offered at BGCSVI Harbourside & BGCSVI Central Saanich Clubs will explore the parks and centres around Esquimalt and Victoria, while our camps in the Westshore will make visits to our BGCSVI Metchosin Club – the facility is on 98 acres, which hosts a climbing tower, a low ropes course, several ponds for swimming and canoeing, archery, and a large tract of woodlands.

Outdoor Adventure Camp

Explore, Experience, Enjoy.

Discover the adventurer in YOU!  Our qualified, experienced, compassionate and fun-loving camp leaders design each week around an innovative theme and organize weekly out trips to local parks, attractions, beaches, and our 98-acre BGCSVI Metchosin Club. We will help you experience everything South Vancouver Island has to offer to the Urban Adventurer!

Outdoor Adventure Summer Camp

Discover the adventurer in YOU!  Our qualified, experienced, compassionate and fun-loving camp leaders design each week around an innovative theme and organize weekly out trips to local parks, attractions, beaches, and our 98-acre BGCSVI Metchosin Club. We will help you experience everything South Vancouver Island has to offer to the Outdoor Adventurer!


BGCSVI Westshore Club

345 Wale Rd.
Victoria, V9B 2P8


Attn: BGCSVI Westshore Club

Administration Office:

250-384-9133 Ext. 0

Unit 4 – 961 Dunford Avenue

Unit 4 – 961 Dunford Avenue
Langford, BC V9B 2S4
Attn: BGCSVI Westshore Club

Attn: BGCSVI Westshore Club