Youth and Family Services

All of our programs address housing instability, life skills, mental health and social / community connections. Individually, supportive recovery addresses specific needs with regard to youth using substances. Turning Point addresses specific needs with regard to safety (youth at risk of sexual exploitation, trans, homelessness). Youth Prenatal Parenting Program (YP3) addresses specific needs to prenatal care, young parenting, and often MCFD involvement & advocacy.
All of our programs are voluntary, open to young people of all genders and will reside in a care home situated in South Vancouver Island.

Father’s Group & Family Play Time

Starting September 23rd, 2023: On the 1st Saturday of the month, the whole family is invited to join Family Play Time, where you can bring your family to socialize and connect with other families in a playgroup setting. On the 3rd Saturday of the month, Fathers or males in caregiver roles, along with their babies, are invited to participate in an educational topic. 

Program is not currently running.

Turning Point

Turning Point is a short-term residential program for youth experiencing personal safety issues. The duration of the program is typically 4-6 months. Youth work one-on-one with a Youth & Family Counsellor to set goals, connect them to resources, and develop a transition plan, of returning to the family home or accessing a Youth Agreement. Youth are required to have a day plan for Turning Point, such as going to school and/or working.

The Youth Prenatal (YP3)

The Youth Prenatal & Parenting Program (YP3) helps young women (aged 16-29 years) who are pregnant or in the early months of parenting. The program helps them to improve their chances to have healthy pregnancies, develop safe, positive parenting skills and increase coping and decision-making skills. The program specifically supports vulnerable youth who are at risk of becoming homeless and who may have substance use issues. By placing them in a stable Care Family suite for up to 1 year, they are supported as they learn independent living, parenting and life skills.

For more information, please contact  or Jennifer Stone at 250-686-9118.

Best Babies

Best Babies is funded through the Island Health Authority (IHA) and offers support to pregnant families and their newborns up to 6-8 weeks of age. Participants attend weekly group sessions that cover topics including prenatal education, health, nutrition and infant care. Participants are provided with a nutritious frozen meal to take home. Parents also receive snacks, food vouchers, bus tickets, vitamins, information and other support when needed. Weekly discussions are led by a Public Health Nurse, Dietician, Dental Hygienist or BGC Youth & Family Counsellor.

Groups run on Wednesdays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm at 345 Wale Road on a drop-in basis. 

Feel free to stop by or contact or Nicola MacKay at 250-686-9109 for more information.


Baby Steps

Baby Steps is a group for families with babies between 8 weeks and 1 year. Participants attend weekly group sessions that cover topics including stages of development, safe infant sleep, introducing solids and maternal mental health. Participants are provided with a nutritious frozen meal to take home. Parents also receive snacks, food vouchers, bus tickets, vitamins, information and other support when needed. Weekly discussions are led by guest speakers, including a Public Health Nurse, Dietician, Dental Hygienist or BGC Youth & Family Counsellor.

Groups are run on Tuesdays from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm and 12:30 – 2:00 pm at 345 Wale Road on a registration basis. 

Feel free to contact or Nicola MacKay at 250-686-9109 for more information.


Big Steps

Big Steps is a group for families with toddlers between ages 1 and 3 years old. This group is drop-in style, with a kinder gym for toddlers to explore and interact with their peers, supervision from a caretaker is required to attend. Each week participants can engage in circle time, where a BGC facilitator will sing songs and read stories. There are light snacks and water available.

The program runs on Thursdays from 11:30 am-1:30 pm in the Gym at 345 Whale rd.

Feel free to contact or Nicola MacKay at 250-686-9109 for more information.


Turning Point


Best Babies, Baby Steps & Big Steps




