It’s official. Boys & Girls Club of Greater Victoria has become BGC South Vancouver Island. Not to be trendy. Not because it’s catchier. But because we believe our name should reflect who, what and where we do our work! Clubs across our country open their doors to all children, youth and families and we believe our name should reflect that. We are located in communities that feel more connected to South Vancouver Island than Greater Victoria, so we wanted our name to be aligned with the communities we serve.
Removing gender from our name modernizes the BGC brand and echoes the inclusive practices we’re known for, without straying too far from our history and brand awareness. It also embraces the fact that we serve young people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities.
New brand, same legacy: 61 years of creating opportunities for thousands of kids, teens, young adults and parents across South Vancouver Island.
Belonging to a BGC Club is often a life-changing experience. Children can build healthy, supportive relationships with caring adult role models, which in turn can positively influence the life path they choose. Clubs also encourage healthy, respectful relationships with peers and family members.
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